Mother's Day Gift Banners

Carrot Shochu Pickles

By Steven Sharafian I spend a fair amount of time making tsukemono (pickles). I focus mostly on quick-pickles that only take a couple of minutes to prep and have a short curing period. This seemed to flow into the idea of pairing carrots with...


Kuishinbo: Oba-chan's Shochu Kumquats

When we were little we used to watch my oba-chan (grandmother) make this seasonal treat from Kagoshima prefecture in southern Japan. We were too little to enjoy it at first, but as we grew older the dish became more...

Sip + Shop

Upcoming Event: Sip + Shop: Shochu Tasting

Throughout the years, we've been asked to present more events highlighting shochu. Well, here's the event that you've all been waiting for! Generously sponsored by Takara, we'll be tasting four different kinds of shochu: imo (sweet potato), mugi (barley), kome (rice)...

Sobayuwari (Shochu + Hot Soba Water)

By Shizuka Wakashita What do you drink when you go to a soba place? Beer? Sake? Shochu? I thought sake but I was wrong. I was converted into a sake lover about three years ago. Ever since then I almost always order sake when I go...

Shochu Stop

Shochu Stop: Oyuwari

Happy new year! How did you spend your new year's day? The start of my new year was the worst. On new year's eve, I was at my a party in SF and drank many whisky cocktails that my friend made. I enjoyed the cocktail and...

Shochu Stop

Shochu Stop: Shochu Advisor

Hi everyone, I'm back! Let me tell you what I was doing all this time, while neglecting this shochu column. Two months ago, I went back to Japan to take the Shochu Advisor's test, so I needed to concentrate on studying shochu. I did pass the...

Shochu Stop

Shochu Stop: How to Enjoy Shochu

Since I have moved to the U.S. from Japan, I have felt sad about how Americans drink, because American people don't drink so much. "飲みが足んねえ" (nomi ga tan ne e, or "They don't drink enough"). They are too discreet. Maybe people can't be a dead...

Shochu Stop

Shochu Stop: Mugi Shochu (Barley)

This time I would like to talk about mugi (barley) shochu in more general terms. Mugi shochu might be easier to understand than any other shochu, because mugi shochu is distilled from barley--like whisky, vodka, and gin. There are two types of...

Shochu Stop

Shochu Stop: An Introduction

Hello, I'm Washi. Nice to meet you! I moved to the U.S. in January 2010 from Tokyo. Sorry ladies, I'm married. Anyway, I have been drinking soooo much shochu for years, and I just wanna say, SHOCHU IS FANTASTIC! Huh? What...